member of groupMetalimex

For Suppliers

Welcome to the purchase supplier portal of OKK Koksovny, a.s, which serves for the publication of tenders and in particular enquiry procedures carried out by electronic form using the system.

Since April 2014 OKK Koksovny, a.s. is gradually transferred to the electronic form of the selection of suppliers, in the first stage primarily concerning the purchase of materials and spare parts with a prospective to be extended also to the purchase of selected areas of services.

Enquiry and tender procedures may take place in an open or closed form. A new supplier, who is able and interested in the subject matter, may contact the Purchasing Department of OKK Koksovny, a.s. The Purchasing Department staff shall provide more details to the supplier, or they will require relevant documents of the supplier, and according to the situation and the specific case, the supplier may be additionally included in the present selection or it can be taken into account in the next similar selection. In the case of interest in taking part of the announced enquiry and/or tender procedures, a potential supplier may contact the Purchasing Department at the email address nakup (at)


OKK Koksovny, a.s. se sídlem Ostrava-Přívoz, Koksární ulice 1112, PSČ 702 24,zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Ostravě, oddíl B, vložka 740, IČO: 47675829, DIČ: CZ47675829. Společnost OKK Koksovny, a.s. je členem koncernu kde řídící osobou je společnost MTX Group a.s., IČO: 27441261