member of groupMetalimex

The Environment

OKK Koksovny, a.s. puts extraordinary emphasis on minimisation of negative impacts on the environment in its own production. This is because it operates in the industry that is viewed by the public in terms of the environmental impacts rather negatively. In addition, it appears in the centre of ecological attention because it is located in the industrial part of the Ostrava region, which encounters significant problems with air long term.

In accordance with the Major Accidents Prevention Act, OKK Koksovny, a.s. is included in the B group and fulfils all its obligations that this act specifies (it is inspected by external inspection authorities and administrative authorities on a regular basis).

We consider helpfulness of the company in handling tasks in the environmental area to be an important assumption for gaining trust of the public.

The company shall continue to systematically pursue activities regarding the improvement of its ecological profile.

OKK Koksovny, a.s. se sídlem Koksární 1112, Přívoz, PSČ 702 24 Ostrava, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Ostravě, oddíl B, vložka 740, IČO: 47675829, DIČ: CZ47675829. Společnost OKK Koksovny, a.s. je členem koncernu kde řídící osobou je společnost MTX Group a.s., IČO: 27441261