member of groupMetalimex

Metallurgical Coke

We distinguish several basic types of coke by their physical and chemical properties
       - foundry coke (SLK1, SLK2, SLK3),
       - blast furnace coke (VK),
       - technological cokes (O1, O2, Hr, Pr).
The highest quality requirements are made by customers for blast furnace and foundry coke.
In a lesser extent, technological types of coke, i.e. nut coke (O1,O2) and breeze (Hr) are used in the production of liquid pig iron.

With its technological properties, foundry coke needs to ensure the conditions of the production of cast iron and insulation materials based on basalt or glass fibres. The main difference between foundry coke and blast furnace coke is in lumpiness, density, strength and reactivity.

SLK I. grain size +100mm

SLK II. grain size 70-130mm

SLK III. grain size 60-90mm

Blast furnace coke is used mainly as an oxidising-reducing agent in blast furnaces. It creates a supporting structure within a blast furnace, which ensures counter flows of gas and liquid products of the blast furnace process in the production of pig iron.

Blast furnace coke, grain size 25–90mm, grain size 40–90mm

OKK Koksovny, a.s. se sídlem Ostrava-Přívoz, Koksární ulice 1112, PSČ 702 24,zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Ostravě, oddíl B, vložka 740, IČO: 47675829, DIČ: CZ47675829. Společnost OKK Koksovny, a.s. je členem koncernu kde řídící osobou je společnost MTX Group a.s., IČO: 27441261